Be Protected – in your working lifetime

Be Protected

During this period, it’s possible that over a quarter of men (26%) may be off work for 2 months or more, and this increases to over a third of all women (37%).
(Source: *Royal London, based on a 30-year-old non-smoker, with a planned retirement age of 65, released January 2024)

Figures such as the above will make you think.

Whilst it’s important to have Life Cover in place, should the unthinkable occur, the chance of dying across the working lifetime is only about 4% for men and 3% for women.*

Low percentages, maybe, but 3 to 4 in every 100 people may not make it to 65.

That said, the possibility of not being able to work for a lengthy period is also a concern. In this respect, there are currently over 2.8m off work due to long-term sickness. And that’s why you should also consider an Income Protection plan.
(Source: Office for National Statistics, Labour market overview, June 2024)

Funding Protection cover

We recognise that household budgets continue to be under pressure, and that’s been exacerbated by higher mortgage borrowing costs.

So, it’s understandable that some will feel that the ‘Protection Insurance’ conversation could be kicked down the road.

But ironically, the pressure exerted by funding those higher mortgage costs, and rising cost-of-living expenses, actually reinforces the importance of having some measure of protection insurance in place now.

For some, it might be viewed as tomorrow’s problem, but it could happen today!

So, why not take a look at the section below to see where savings could be made, and then utilise some of that money to help fund the cost of a monthly insurance premium.

And for a detailed discussion about your protection needs, please get in touch.

Finding the extra £s

With a Cost-of-Living crisis, it is quite likely that you’ve already looked at cost-cutting.

Whilst we don’t expect you to give up all of life’s little luxuries, cutting out just one unit each week of the items below, for example, could save around £195 each month!

Treats £ Cost/unit (est.)
Soft drink £1.50
Snack £1.00
Magazine £2.25
Coffee (takeaway) £3.50
Pint of beer or lager £4.00
Glass of wine (175ml) £4.25
Taxi £8.00
Cigarettes (pack of 20) £12.50
Takeaway meal £8.00
Total = £45.00

Whatever your situation, we’d fully assess the suitability of the options on offer. And you can take comfort from the fact that we operate in this sector day-in day-out, plus have the qualifications and expertise to deliver advice that meets your needs.

As with all insurance policies, terms, conditions and exclusions will apply.

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